New Toolkit Allows Ohio Judges and Magistrates to Help At-Risk Adults

A new adult protective services toolkit helps probate judges address elder abuse and neglect.

A new adult protective services toolkit helps probate judges address elder abuse and neglect.
The Ohio Supreme Court has released a new resource to help probate judges and magistrates prevent the growing number of Ohio’s elderly population from being abused, neglected, and exploited.
The Court collaborated with community partners, such as adult protective services, law enforcement, and health care providers to produce the toolkit to provide practical resources and information.
“The collaborative approach to addressing these issues is crucial due to the multiple systems involved in protecting and caring for the elderly,” Stark County Probate Judge Dixie Park said.
“Ongoing training for all partners is necessary due to the increasing number of cases of abuse, neglect, and exploitation as the elderly population continues to grow."
The toolkit includes a bench card with laws regarding adult protective services, sample court orders and policies, as well as state and local resources that are available. It was developed for use in team training sessions that the Court held in 2018 for probate judicial officers and their local partners working to prevent elder abuse.
The term “adult” means any person age 60 or older within the state who is handicapped by the infirmities of aging or who has a physical or mental impairment which prevents the person from providing for his or her own care or protection, and who resides in an independent living arrangement. Judges and magistrates seeking a hard copy of the toolkit may contact the Children & Families Section at 614.387.9385.

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