Bar Admission Ceremonies Feature 600 Participating New Attorneys
Nearly 600 attorneys were admitted to practice law in Ohio during two bar ceremonies at the historic Ohio Theatre.
Ohio Supreme Court Justice R. Patrick DeWine told the crowd this week to value their legal training.
“That succession of hurdles is over,” said Justice DeWine. “You achieved something for yourself. Now there’s the real business of life. Work and reward, losses and triumph, regret and fulfillment.”
Of the 936 applicants who sat for the July exam, 664 – or 70.9 percent – received passing scores.
After their names were called, they were treated to a reception at the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center.
“It’s indescribable,” said new lawyer MaryAnn Zaky. “It’s finally here. I’m finally finished. There’s no more hurdles. It’s done.”
“It was a very long four years, or three years,” said new lawyer Lauren Tesla. “Most times it didn’t feel like it was going to end. And then especially studying for the bar, it was hard, and there were days I wanted to give up. Just to say this wasn’t for me. To be on the other end of it, it’s such a huge accomplishment.”
“I’m a special case,” said new lawyer Samuel Goodwater. “I worked fulltime and I did night school. So it was go, go, go, 24//7, but I think I’m better for it.”
The next bar exam will take place in February.
View a complete list of the names of the applicants here.

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