Conduct Board Reelects Leadership for 2022

Left to Right: Board of Professional Conduct Chair Patricia Wise and Board Vice Chair Judge D. Chris Cook of Lorain County.

Left to Right: Board of Professional Conduct Chair Patricia Wise and Board Vice Chair Judge D. Chris Cook of Lorain County.
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced the reelection of Lucas County attorney Patricia A. Wise as board chair and Judge D. Chris Cook from Lorain County as board vice chair.
Commissioners Wise and Cook will serve their second, one-year terms beginning Jan. 1.
Wise has served on the board since 2014 and has chaired the Budget and Personnel Committee. In 2019, she chaired the ad hoc board committee that recommended the appointment of Disciplinary Counsel Joseph Caligiuri. Wise is a partner with the Toledo firm Spengler Nathanson PLL, where her practice focuses on labor and employment law.
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Judge Cook, of the Lorain County Common Pleas Court, has served on the Board of Professional Conduct since 2017. Before becoming a judge, his practice included serving as bar counsel for the Lorain County Bar Association.
The Board of Professional Conduct consists of 28 volunteer members appointed by the justices of the Supreme Court. The board conducts hearings involving allegations of ethical violations by Ohio lawyers and judges and recommends discipline for professional misconduct.
The board also engages in education and outreach activities that promote compliance with legal ethics rules and bring greater transparency to the disciplinary process.