New Judicial Candidate Website Launches

Judicial Votes Count is the most detailed and centralized location to learn about judicial races impacting each Ohio community.

Judicial Votes Count is the most detailed and centralized location to learn about judicial races impacting each Ohio community.
The central source about the state’s judicial races has a new location and a new look.
Judicial Votes Count – Ohio’s most comprehensive, unbiased website about trial and appellate court elections across the state – is now available at The Supreme Court of Ohio, which operates the website, updated the destination and design to be more interactive and easier for voters to learn about who’s on the ballot.
“We know that judges’ decisions affect Ohio’s communities, and all judicial candidates are held to high standards and bound by a code of conduct. We want Ohio voters to understand this and the unique role of judges in our government,” said Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor.
Along with details about candidates for the primary and general elections, the website serves as a resource for people to better understand the duties of judges and courts in Ohio. The content includes judicial requirements and responsibilities, distinctions between trial and appellate judges, and a road map of the state’s court system that illustrates how cases end up at the Supreme Court.
Judicial Votes Count also provides candidates an opportunity to share personal background and their credentials with readers. Information for the public details professional experience, reasons for pursuing a judgeship, and the candidates’ views on why they’re the most qualified for the position.
“Judicial candidates are encouraged to submit their candidate profile information. It’s important for Ohioans to learn about their judges and understand the work they do,” Chief Justice O’Connor added.
Candidates can provide their specifics through a questionnaire on the site.
The Judicial Votes Count initiative began with the 2015 election cycle when Chief Justice O’Connor brought together the League of Women Voters of Ohio, the Ohio State Bar Association, the Bliss Institute at the University of Akron, the Ohio News Media Association, and the Ohio Association of Broadcasters to better educate Ohioans about judges and the Ohio court system and to increase voter participation in judicial elections.