Court News Ohio
Court News Ohio
Court News Ohio

Enhanced Online Legal Research Resources Available to Law Library Patrons

Image of a woman using a computer

Erin Waltz, library public services manager, demonstrates some of the additional resources available to patrons who perform legal research at the Ohio Supreme Court Law Library.

Image of a woman using a computer

Erin Waltz, library public services manager, demonstrates some of the additional resources available to patrons who perform legal research at the Ohio Supreme Court Law Library.

Ohio Supreme Court Law Library patrons will have free access to more resources when they perform legal research because of enhanced online service now available, the Supreme Court announced today.

The court negotiated the upgrade when it signed its new contact with Westlaw, according to Erin Waltz, library public services manager. WestlawNext will be available on two patron terminals, one each on the north and south sides of the 11th-floor library at the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center.

Waltz said the contract includes access to all major Ohio legal treatises, statutes, regulations, jury verdicts, and briefs, as well as civil and criminal pleadings, motions and memoranda. In addition, the contract includes access to case law, statutes, and regulations from the other 49 states and federal cases, statutes, regulations, and legal treatises.

“Patrons will be able to print out their research here for 10 cents a page, email for free, or download to their own thumb drive,” Waltz said. “This is a really good resource, and I'm excited about being able to offer it to our public users.”

Library patrons include state agencies, attorneys, paralegals, law clerks, and general patrons and use special accounts. More than 1,700 patrons used the law library’s resources in the second quarter of 2013.