CNO Legal Glossary
- Quantum meruit
- Latin, meaning “as much as is deserved.” Reasonable compensation awarded by a court to someone who has provided services based on an implied contract.
- Quash
- To invalidate, usually referring to subpoenas.
- Quiet title action
- A lawsuit filed in a court having jurisdiction over property disputes to establish a party’s title to real property, or to personal property that has a title. It is an effort to “quiet” any challenges or claims to the title.
- Quo warranto
- A challenge to a person’s authority to hold a public office.
The CNO Legal Glossary is part of an ongoing effort to educate the public about the courts and explain the legal system. The glossary is an evolving, interactive public resource. CNO encourages readers to send in their ideas for words and phrases to be considered for inclusion in the glossary. Submit your suggestions to The content of the CNO Legal Glossary does not represent the legal views of the court and is not considered or consulted by the justices in case deliberations.